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Welcome to WASATO

We can help you take a better approach of your business, with an integral marketing and business strategy development, providing all the necessary business tools.

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360º Business Solutions

By focusing in the project management, organizational development, internal management and business services, we'll be able to improve your performance and develop your business.

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Looking for professional advice?

If you need to improve your business, or to implement new projects, we are covering several business areas like finances, marketing, e-commerce and management.

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Creative Problem Solving

To find satisfactory solutions it is necessary to provide an effective problem solving, without wasting any unnecessary time and resources that you need for your core business.

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We are ready for your Business projects

Project management is one of the most important parts if you want to success in your business. We are specialist of getting the things done.

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Your business development in our hands!

An effective communication is a key factor to success and one of the biggest problems in today companies.

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Is your business going where you want it to?

Let us help you with the strategic planning and take an important advantage against your concurrence in the market.

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We are ready for your project.

Our main target is the total satisfaction of our clients, making your Business our Business, providing the Know-how to increase effectiveness.

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Martes, 22 Oct 2024


Social Media Marketing

En los últimos años, ha habido un gran revuelo acerca de las redes sociales. Redes sociales como Facebook y Twitter se han convertido en parte de nuestras vidas....

Franklin Villaseñor Comments 23 Jun 2010 Hits:59850

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Conecte con Icecat

Acabamos de desarrollar un nuevo módulo de Icecat el que le permitirá conectarse a la base de datos y actualizar toda la información de los productos. Este...

Franklin Villaseñor Comments 25 Jun 2010 Hits:236290

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Trabajar Juntos

Trabajar Juntos

Trabajar juntos puede ser una de las más...

Administrator Comments 21 Abr 2010 Hits:90786

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Nuestros Productos



"Ahora será capaz de actualizar la ficha técnica de los productos, incluyendo vídeos, contenido 3D, las razones de la compra y descargo de responsabilidad directamente de la base de datos de Icecat."...

Franklin Villaseñor Comments 25 Jun 2010 Hits:140869

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Estrategia de marca - Desarrollo de marca

Company News | Franklin Villaseñor | 26 May 2015 | Hits:249665

Es tan simple como decir, que cada compañia tiene una marca con su propio storytelling y es la que contará a todos los clientes fijos y potenciales lo que pueden esperar de los productos y servicios que se ofrecen. Además... Read more

Contacto Principal

Siempre tenemos interés en saber cómo podemos servirle mejor, si usted tiene preguntas o comentarios, no dude en contactar con nosotros en:


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