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¡Now you will be able to update your products technical information directly from the Icecat database to your Multi-Store!


"Now the new release of  WICECAT PRO Multi-Store is available, if you like our first release you’ll love this new one"


This module is a must-have tool if you have multi-store and hundreds of products. You can just imagine how much time you will save in updating or importing the data of thousands of products. Almost all suppliers use the Icecat database to share their products information.


With this tool, you can tweak your information before updating according to your marketing needs. This tool does everything that you need to manage your products' content, create your SEO, relate the products, import directly from CSV files or the Icecat catalogue.

Now with the new release you can update the reference of the products that have been imported with an incorrect reference will require that the product has the correct EAN number and available in Icecat.


The the features and functions that the module is capable of doing.


The functions are divided in six tabs, each one of them with different and similar features.





This release has the following tabs:


  1. UPDATE: The update is based on the EAN/UPC number of your products,If your products don't have the EAN/UPC number, the update will try to retrieve the information from the Icecat database using the product reference and the product manufacturer. with the new release is necesary the correct EAN number,you can update in all installed languages at the same time, you can select all of the following or just the ones you need: (images, product Short/long description, SEO, product name, features)
  2. SEARCH: You can search the exact product that you want to update. You can search the products from your store by their name, reference or EAN number. After you found the products, you can select the information you want to update.
  3. IMPORT: To import the products from the Icecat database, first you will have to select the category and then the module will show you which manufacturers are available under that category. After that, you can select the manufacturers from which the products will be searched and then imported. Read more.
  4. ACCESSORIES: You can select by everything or, manufacturer, category, language
  5. SEO: It allows you to optimize your product automatically for the search engines.


Buy this Utility now for the PrestaShop shopping cart and get a 5% discount on any of our other tools.



Try our online demo to see what kind of technical information can be imported from the Icecat catalogue.


For more information, or to contact WASATO, click here.


Last Updated on Friday, 27 January 2017 16:41


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"Now you will be able to update your products technical information including videos, 3d Content, Reasons to buy and disclaimer directly from the Icecat database."


Now the new release of this module is available, if you like our first release you’ll love this new one.

This module is a must-have tool if you have hundreds of products. You can just imagine how much time you will save in updating or importing the data of thousands of products. Almost all suppliers use the Icecat database to share their products information.


This new version of the module supports the new data information supplied by Icecat, like videos, 3d Content, Reasons to buy and declaimer, click here to see an sample.

With this tool, you can tweak your information before updating according to your marketing needs. This tool does everything that you need to manage your products' content, create your SEO, change the CSS configuration, relate the products, import directly from CSV files or the Icecat catalogue. Try our online demo to see what kind of technical information can be imported from the Icecat catalogue.


Buy this Utility now for the PrestaShop shopping cart and get a 5% discount on any of our other tools.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 January 2017 18:25


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Selling Price Automatic Update Solution

This solution allows you to automatically update the selling price of all your products in milliseconds, just add your margins once by category and keep your shop updated.

Forget about remembering to update your selling price, now with this easy to use tool you can keep your selling price updated and never lose a sale again.

This solution will automatically update your complete database by a click of mouse; you only need to set your profit margins once by category or select to save the same settings on all sub categories. You have the option to add a fix amount, a percentage or a combination of both depending only on your selling strategies.

This solution is also fully integrated with the WASATO supplier’s integration tools, so it will automatically run after the new buying prices have been updated.


  • Easy installation like any other PS module
  • Add your selling margins by a percentage, a fix amount or a combination of both
  • Apply the required Tax to each category
  • Automatically executed when added to the CRON jobs
  • The selling price update is done in milliseconds

For more infromation, or to contac WASATO, click here





In order to have full functionality of this module we recommend you to use it on your own server. The requirements that you need to have in your server configuration are:

  • PHP 5.3+
  • Supports PrestaShop from v1.2.x to v1.6.x
  • Maximum amount of memory a script may consume = 512M, recommended = 1024M
  • Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept = 20M
  • Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds = 0
  • Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data = -1
  • MySQL - Max allowed packet MIN 4M
  • Output Buffering to 1
  • Allow URL open
  • GZIP enable

You need as well to have the following libraries:

  • Zlib
  • XML
  • Curl
  • mysql
  • DOM
  • Json

You may change these configurations directly in the php.ini file on your server.



For more infromation, or to contac WASATO, click here




Last Updated on Thursday, 05 March 2015 15:03